General knowledge of Republic of Kalmykia the state/province of Russia

Mostly asked questions about the province Republic of Kalmykia

What is the country of Republic of Kalmykia ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Republic of Kalmykia ?

How many cities are in the state Republic of Kalmykia ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Republic of Kalmykia ?

What are the name of cities of Republic of Kalmykia ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Republic of Kalmykia

First question is about the country which is Russia and RU is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Republic of Kalmykia there is only 18 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Republic of Kalmykia by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Republic of Kalmykia
Country Name flag of RU Russia
Country Code RU
Total States of Russia 83
Total Cities of State 18

All Cities of Republic of Kalmykia

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Arshan’ 46.27320000 44.22000000
2 Elista 46.30778000 44.25583000
3 Gorodoviki 46.13528000 41.96556000
4 Gorodovikovsk 46.08785000 41.93353000
5 Iki-Burul 45.82083000 44.64722000
6 Iki-Burul’skiy Rayon 45.83333000 44.66667000
7 Kaspiyskiy 45.39288000 47.37073000
8 Komsomol’skiy 45.33000000 46.04280000
9 Malyye Derbety 47.95472000 44.68083000
10 Priyutnoye 46.10111000 43.50722000
11 Sadovoye 47.77720000 44.52080000
12 Sarpinskiy Rayon 47.83333000 44.83333000
13 Sovetskoye 47.30868000 44.52162000
14 Troitskoye 46.42060000 44.25910000
15 Tsagan Aman 47.56390000 46.72180000
16 Yashalta 46.33950000 42.27620000
17 Yashaltinskiy Rayon 46.25000000 42.50000000
18 Yashkul’ 46.17110000 45.34350000